Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rob Bell and the "Universalist" controversy

There’s been a whole lot of discussion lately about Rob Bell’s new book LOVE WINS and I want to take this opportunity to make a few observations of my own. I need to start out by admitting that I haven't read the book. I have, however, read numerous articles about the book and watched [and or] read transcripts of several interviews that Bell has given since its release- so I think I have a general idea of its content.
The main area of contention seems to be centered around the idea of "Universalism"- the premise that, ultimately, everyone gets into Heaven [here is a link to the Wikipedia entry on Universalism]. Bell denies that he is a Universalist, but most reviewers don’t believe him and they are ANGRY! Personally, I don't get why this subject stirs up such intense emotions. Admittedly, there was a time when I would have been just as upset as those who are now attacking Bell, but I’ve come to the point where I just can’t seem to work up any steam on the subject.
I guess I feel that if your main concern, and the reason for your belief in Christ, is just to get your ticket punched to Heaven, then maybe you don't really believe in Christ at all. It's almost like some people feel like they're being gypped if they spend their life following Jesus and then find out, at the end, that they could have gotten into Heaven without doing so. If that is how you feel about your relationship with the Son of God, your relationship needs some serious work!
If you get angry when you think that somebody might get into Heaven without having believed the same things you believed or observed the same rituals etc. as you did, then I think maybe you should question how well you have internalized Jesus’ message to love your neighbor as yourself. If we truly love our neighbors, wouldn’t we want them to get into Heaven?
If Universalism is true, what does that do to the Great Commission? If everyone is getting into Heaven what is the point of following Jesus at all, much less urging others to do so? Jesus Christ is the living Son of God, the only perfect person who ever lived. He modeled the most rewarding way to live our lives, here and now, and then sent His Holy Spirit to empower us to do so. He suffered a horrible death on a cross to reconcile a sinful world to His Father and then was resurrected from the grave to ascend to the right hand of God. What a privilege it is to give our lives into His hands and to seek His will above all else. If someone were to get into Heaven without doing so, they would be the loser, not us, because they would have missed out on living for Him here and now. This should be the first and foremost reason that we spread the Gospel; it’s the right thing to do!
Since when did following Jesus become a task we must complete or a hurdle we have to jump and, if we sacrifice and do it, we darn well better get our reward and everyone who doesn’t should be punished. What a way to tell people about our loving God: believe and say this prayer or else!
Do I consider myself a Universalist? No. I think there are people who will choose to remain separated from God, no matter how much He loves them. Am I going to spend any time worrying about whether Gandhi went to Heaven? Somehow I don’t think I have to. Do I think Gandhi would have been even more effective and would have accomplished even more had he been a follower of Jesus empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit? Absolutely. Do I think there is a baby being born somewhere in the world right now who will spend eternity separated from God? Yes. Do I take responsibility for that? Yes.
I think that people who want to set themselves up as the arbiters of who gets into Heaven should re-read Matthew 25:31-46 and prayerfully consider how they stack up.
I know Jesus, and I have felt and seen His love demonstrated in my life in innumerable ways. I pray that every single person in the world would come to know that love. I pray that my Lord and Savior will use me in the work of spreading His Kingdom on this earth and that each day I die more to self and live more for Him. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
If Rob Bell’s book brings even one person to Christ, it will have done its job. So, let’s leave him alone and start living for Jesus!